In this edition of “Mondays with Matt”, he talks about the process of communicating with members of the club and helping manage their expectations. When golfers point out that certain parts of the course “don’t look like they usually do”, Matt has a few tips for explaining the process of turf care to golfers.
- Let members know that if they communicate what their priorities are for the course, they can often be met. Figure out whether the course’s priorities are aligned with rigid playability or fine tuned aesthetics. Both require a lot of work and can be challenging to focus on improving both of them at once.
- Help members understand that changes don’t happen overnight. Sometimes things need to get worse before they can get better. So often in the turf world, areas need to be completely reconstructed or reworked before healthy growth and recovery can occur.
Matt said it’s also important to manage expectations based on the club’s geographic location and budgeting. While some members might expect firm, fast and green putting greens, it’s important to help them understand that a lot can depend on soil conditions, construction and how much money the maintenance team can afford to spend.
“If you’re a budget limited club in a difficult area to grow grass and members are looking for firm, fast and green, the superintendent isn’t your solution. He’ll help you but he needs help too.”